A color wheel as the relationship between the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors is possible with the help of color hues around the circle of the color wheel.
The hues around the color wheel circle.
Some wheels are shown using 12 colors. Below are the examples using the color wheel as follows:
Three Primary colors: Red, Yellow, and Blue
Three Secondary colors: Green, Orange, and Violet
Six Tertiary colors: Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Red-Orange, Blue-Violet, and Red-Violet, this are the colors created by mixing with primary and secondary colors.

Color Temperature
Color is divided into two sections which are warm and cool, Colors on the green side are cool colors, and on the red side are warm colors. Subtle color temperatures are a relative relationship, which means sometimes depending on their neighboring colors the warm side can be known as cool colors, and another side of cool colors can know as warm colors.
from the same hue, for example, can be warmer or cooler than one another.
An object's appearance position can affect us both ways psychologically and perceptually which helps us to determine the object's appearance position.
Neutral Colors
Black, White, gray, tans, and browns are mixed with brighter accent colors, which can also be used in their designs. Neutral colors' appearance position depends on the colors around them.

The purpose and attributes are different from the CMYK and RGB as follows:

CMYK applies to painting and printing. it observes the wavelength of visual light to create the colors. The wavelength of light doesn't get absorbed are reflected, The color we see is reflected light.

RGB is Red, Green, and Blue. It applies to computers and televisions. To produce colors, the RGB additive colors need to be created through light waves that are mixed in a very particular combination.
Hex Codes
Hexademal is used in web design as a colors name. The hexademal codes start with a hash symbol (#)
There will be 3 pairs of characters that will be together which are all six characters, each pair control one of the primary additive colors which includes Red, Green, and Blue.
A total of six characters go with the hash mark with the 10 numerals 0-9 or 6 letters a-f
Knowing the patterns in the hex codes and some colors is easy.
Some are included below:
00 has no primary color
ff has full strength of primary color
Additive colors, let's start with black and change each pair to (ff)

#000000 is black,
For example,
let's check how it works
by using a color picker
in Photoshop.
#ff0000 is the brightest red color
#00ff00 is the brightest green
#0000ff is the brightest blue
Subtractive colors, Let's start with white and change each pair to (00)
#ffffff is White

#00ffff is the brightest cyan
#ff00ff is the brightest Magenta
#ffff00 is the brightest yellow
You can also shorten some of the hex numbers. For example #fae you can expand to #ffaaee and #09b can be expanded to #0099bb.